Coldplay酷玩樂團X&Y專輯裡的Fix You歌詞相當動人
知其意但無法優美地轉換成中文,咕狗一下很多人翻,但都不到位(大家以後讀到很棒的翻譯小說,除了欣賞原文作者外,別忘了感謝翻譯作者。)剛剛看了Young At Heart*,很興奮地發發現超棒的翻譯! Coldplay - Fix YouWhen you try your best (當你盡力而為)
But you don't succeed (但還是無法成功)
When you get what you want (當你得到你想要的)
But not what you need (卻不是你必需要的)
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep (當你感到相當疲憊卻無法入睡)
Stuck in reverse (深陷挫折)
And the tears come streaming down your face (當眼淚不斷流滿你的臉)
When you lose something (當你失去一些東西)
You can't replace (無法取代的東西)
When you love someone (當你深愛一個人)
But it goes to waste (但你的愛卻都是白費)
Could it be worse (有什麼比這更慘)
Lights will guide you home (光明會引領你回家)
And ignite your bones(並且會溫暖你的身體)
I will try (我會試著......)
To fix you (讓你平復)
And high above or down below (不論你身處人生的高潮或低潮)
When you're too in love to let it go (當你愛的太深而無法忘掉過去)
But if you never try you'll never know (如果你從未嘗試你將永遠不知道)
Just what you're worth (人生的價值是什麼)
The lights will guide you home (光明會引領你回家)
And ignite your bones (並且會溫暖你的身體)
I will try (我會試著......)
To fix you (讓你平復)
*Young At Heart (2007) 搖滾吧爺奶,超棒的音樂紀錄片,紀錄一個由7,80多歲的祖父祖母們組成的合唱團,唱著搖滾歌曲走上歐洲巡迴,超可愛的老人家們,會讓你大笑,隨著影片中他們的練習跟著一起哼唱。預告片--> Young At Heart Trailer